Thursday, November 17, 2011

the Tale of The Beauty...

Hello everyone, lately we have been quiet only because we have been super busy! 
With Halloween over, there is Thanksgiving coming up soon and before you know it, it will be already New Year's day! Some things will need to be well planned ahead of time such as Thanksgiving and Holidays. There are lists to prepare, and shop for... the same goes with some hardcore Deaf Volks members who plan months ahead for a single event that occurs only once a year. Similar to the variety of annual events that are special and precious to you, such as birthdays or holidays, there are some spaces in the calendar that are already marked off for vintage VW enthusiasts...

We will focus on a particular event, the legendary Shasta Snow Trip. For more information and background of this event, please refer to their site:
Deaf Volks member Clint Dickinson opted to take up a challenge from a friend: Resurrect an abandoned bus (literally!) off a riverbed and get it in running shape for the grueling annual adventurous auto rallying through the tough back roads for few days.


IT WAS ON! We placed it up on jacks, rebuilt the brakes and installed our own wiring system because the original wiring system were just simply too messed up. We also tried to do some bodywork to make panels fit and close snugly. There were tons of parts that were donated or bought to make this effort possible. Motor was on loan from a friend, and using its existing transaxle, it moved under its own power!!! 

Check out this video:

Unfortunately the transaxle was not up to the task. It grinds when placed in 4th gear and would not stay in gear. Timing was not on our side, we could not budget or source a transaxle in time for the trip in 2011 However, it is not over. The next Shasta Snow Trip is coming up in Feb. 3-5, 2012, Team Deaf Volks are already starting the preparations and going through the Beauty once again to make sure it's ready.  

Check out the upcoming videos and photos as it will be sent to Skinner's Restorations from Vacaville, CA next week. Why? It will be on a frame rack to verify the chassis is not bent or twisted. From there, some work will be needed to finish the Beauty for a shipshape and safe trip without any breakdowns.  

We welcome any support or feedback from you... Just post a comment!

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